Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lost in Love

Okay this is my first "OFFICIAL" blog on blogspot.com so I hope you guys enjoy...

As of now in my life when i think of love so many things come to mind. Happiness, regrets, secrets, sacrifices, friendships, brokenhearts, and sooo much more. Right now in my love life things are crazy. And blogging is (to me) the best way for me to sort these things out. So here goes nothing.

What do you do when the person you think you love loves you back, but you expect for them not to? And its like you don't want them to love you because its harder to let them go. When you know that letting them go would only be the best for you? How come people say go with your heart, when at times or should I say ALOT of the time, going with your heart means going for something that you know will only end in a heartache? Most people would say that if you know that it will end that way then don't get yourself into it in the first place. So then you try to be smart about it but in the end its still the same.

Why? Because then you force yourself into a relationship with someone else knowing that your heart belongs to someone else. And now your in a relationship where the other person will end up hurt because they are into it more than you. They may end up growing a strong love for you when the feeling can't be mutual. Why? Because deep down inside your heart isn't involved. You may want to love them because they may do you right, but your heart and your mind have trouble with coming to an agreement. You KNOW that this person may be the right choice to make, but for some reason your heart doesn't feel the same. Why do we fall in love not with the person that treats us right or gets happy just to see us happy, but for the person that only thinks of themself and could careless?


Why can't are hearts be as smart as our brains?

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