Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How do you choose? Branch off of "Lost In Love"

How do you choose...

Between the one you love and the one you're with?

Especially if the one you're with has nothing but love for you. Especially if the one you're with has love for you as strong as you have love for the other somebody.

Or maybe when the one you love, has love for someone else? But even though this other love does exist, they CLAIM that they still love you anyway.

How do you choose

Between the one you love and the one you're with when

When your with the one your with you can only think of the one you love?

What would you do? How would you choose?

When its eating at you everyday beyond your reach
When when the one your with says "I Love You" and in your head you wish it was being spoken by someone else?

What would you do? How would you choose?

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