Saturday, July 12, 2008

Boy Number One

Now if you have read mi blog title you should already know that the name of mi blog is LIFE but i guess now that (and if you have read mi posts you should know this) I should have titled it LOVE or something like that. Well if you would like, read on to my new post that will just add on to my blog on LOVE (LIFE). I guess you can say A LIFE in LOVE.

Scenario(This one is for the Ladies)

You go to this party. You meet this guy. He's cute, fresh from head to toe, and everybody in the party knows his name. Except for you. He can even dance really good so now you can't get him off of your mind. You catch yourself stealing glances of him every other second. Then he catches you "stealing a glance" and walks over to you. He walks over to you and introduces himself. You actually find him kinda rude, but for some reason you like him.Then, one of his friends calls him and he walks away.
Then, another guy walks over to you and makes conversation. He's okay looking and okay dressed. He asks you your name and tells you how beautiful you look tonight. Its seems for ever that ya'll talk and the conversation never gets boring. He's actually quite interesting. Then one of his friends calls him and he brushes him off and continues to talk to you. Even though you are enjoying his conversation you can't help but to keep looking at the first guy. And it seems like everytime you do look at him he is with another girl.
Soon, the night comes to an end as the party does. The guy who you have been talking to all night says that he enjoyed meeting you and asks you for your number. You give it to him even though you don't imagine yourself with him because honestly he is NOT your type, but you can see the two of you talking about anything and you don't mind the conversation so you say why not? He takes it says, "Goodbye, good night, and nice meeting you" and leaves. Then the first guy heads out the door. Then you cough and he turns and looks at you. He then turns around and comes your way. He walks up to you and says, "So Shawty you never gave me your number." So you give it to him and he nods his head and heads out the door.
As you lie in the bed that night, for some reason you can only think of one of the boys. He steadily pops up in your head. You can't even sleep because he is on your mind. You don't know why, but he is. You feel like you just know him so well. You already wonder if he could be the one. Well can he? You're unsure, but you really want to find out. After a while you drift off to, he even is in your dreams. Yeah there he is...BOY NUMBER ONE.

Why ladies? Why? Why is "boy number one" the one? Why is he the one when after you all talked he acted like he barely even knew, yet had the audacity to ask you for your number? And to be honest if he might not have heard your cough, he would've continued to walk out the door and perhaps never had spoke to you again. Why? Why aren't you thinking of "boy number 2" when he ya'll shared such an amazing conversation? Why aren't you thinking of "boy number 2" when his mannerism was sooo amazing and he actually listened to you attentively when you spoke? Why isn't it him when he made you feel like a queen in the few hours that ya'll shared together? Why ladies? Why? Why did this happen to most of us? And why did most of us only think of "BOY NUMBER ONE"?


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Defintion


One another

Vowing an


LOVE is Loving One another Vowing an Eternity

How do you choose? Branch off of "Lost In Love"

How do you choose...

Between the one you love and the one you're with?

Especially if the one you're with has nothing but love for you. Especially if the one you're with has love for you as strong as you have love for the other somebody.

Or maybe when the one you love, has love for someone else? But even though this other love does exist, they CLAIM that they still love you anyway.

How do you choose

Between the one you love and the one you're with when

When your with the one your with you can only think of the one you love?

What would you do? How would you choose?

When its eating at you everyday beyond your reach
When when the one your with says "I Love You" and in your head you wish it was being spoken by someone else?

What would you do? How would you choose?

Lost in Love

Okay this is my first "OFFICIAL" blog on so I hope you guys enjoy...

As of now in my life when i think of love so many things come to mind. Happiness, regrets, secrets, sacrifices, friendships, brokenhearts, and sooo much more. Right now in my love life things are crazy. And blogging is (to me) the best way for me to sort these things out. So here goes nothing.

What do you do when the person you think you love loves you back, but you expect for them not to? And its like you don't want them to love you because its harder to let them go. When you know that letting them go would only be the best for you? How come people say go with your heart, when at times or should I say ALOT of the time, going with your heart means going for something that you know will only end in a heartache? Most people would say that if you know that it will end that way then don't get yourself into it in the first place. So then you try to be smart about it but in the end its still the same.

Why? Because then you force yourself into a relationship with someone else knowing that your heart belongs to someone else. And now your in a relationship where the other person will end up hurt because they are into it more than you. They may end up growing a strong love for you when the feeling can't be mutual. Why? Because deep down inside your heart isn't involved. You may want to love them because they may do you right, but your heart and your mind have trouble with coming to an agreement. You KNOW that this person may be the right choice to make, but for some reason your heart doesn't feel the same. Why do we fall in love not with the person that treats us right or gets happy just to see us happy, but for the person that only thinks of themself and could careless?


Why can't are hearts be as smart as our brains?